Welcome to the Rhodococcus Network WWW
The Rhodococcus Network provides a forum for scientists in academic and other
research institutes having an interest in fundamental and applied research related to
organisms belonging to the genus Rhodococcus, and related genera. The aim of the
Network is to exchange information on researchers working with and research being carried
out on this versatile group of microorganisms. It can also put members in touch with
others having similar research interests or needs.
Current areas of development within the network are:
- setting up a database of Rhodococcus species available in the culture
collection of members of the Network,
- linking of the database to international microorganism databases (e.g. IEGM Collection),
- development of novel criteria for the differentiation of Rhodococcus species,
- the use of immunochemical techniques for the in/ex situ detection of
- development of molecular-based methodology for the rapid quantitative detection and
identification of alkanotrophic bacteria in natural environnments,
- the use of rhodococci in biodegredation of toxic organic compounds and bioremediation of
contaminated environments,
- development of tools for the genetic manipulation of the organisms,
- optimisation of preservation methods for rhodococci and maintaining their biological
- carrying out basic and applied research on alkanotrophic bacteria including their use in
biodegradation, bioremediation and surfactant production.
Current topics for which we require information are:
- a register of scientists working with rhodococci and other alkanotrophic bacteria,
- work on production by and identification of biosurfactants in rhodococci,
- molecular techniques developed for the identification and detection of alkanotrophic
- the use of alkanotrophic bacteria in bioremediatiob/biodegradation of pollutants,
- the use of novel rapid methods for the diagnosis of Rhodococcus and related