Emblem of IEGM Collection

Welcome to the Regional Specialised Collection of Alkanotrophic Microorganisms

The IEGM Regional Specialised Collection of Alkanotrophic Microorganisms (WDCM # 768) is a non profit-making organisation whose aim is to acquire, characterise and identify, preserve and distribute biotechnologically important bacterial cultures involved in the degradation of oil hydrocarbons (including gaseous n-alkanes, such as ethane, propane and n-butane) and other natural and synthetic organic compounds.

Unique Research Facility registry number http://www.ckp-rf.ru/usu/73559/


General Introduction and Aims

The Alkanotrophic Microorganism Catalogue

Ordering of Cultures and Payment Information

Research Activities


Rhodococcus Network

Staff Information


Please send questions and comments to ivshina@iegm.ru

Site was last updated on 10.06.2024