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Rhodococcus rhodochrous

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Rhodococcus rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974

IEGM 1362

<- 2017, K.M. Cheremnykh, IEGM, PMT-P1. Isolated from: peat, Pal'tinskoye peat deposit, Perm region, Russia. Taxonomy/description: shows positive result with Rhodococcus rhodochrous primers in species-specific PCR; 16S rRNA gene sequence analysis (GenBank accession number MG645218). Properties: uses n-hexadecane as a sole carbon source; degrades dehydroabietic acid; resistant to Cr6+ (40.0 mM), Mo6+, Zn2+ (5.0 mM); transforms monoterpenoid (–)-isopulegol (0.025%) (432); transforms monoterpenoids (–)-cis-carveol, (–)-trans-carveol and (–)-L-carvone (443). (Medium 2 or 8, 28°C).

Medium: 2, 8

Reference(s): 432, 443