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Rhodococcus rhodochrous

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Rhodococcus rhodochrous (Zopf 1891) Tsukamura 1974


Coidentity: UCM Ac-286

<- 1980, I.B. Ivshina, IMV 531K <- O.A. Nesterenko, 531K. Taxonomy/description: (3, 5, 55, 245). Shows positive result with Rhodococcus rhodochrous primers in species-specific PCR (245). Properties: forms cholesterol oxidase; transforms thioanisole (257); resistant to Cr6+ (5.0 mM), VO2+ (12.5 mM), VO43- (50.0 mM), VO3- (>250.0 mM), accumulates molybdenum and nickel (286, 423); adheres to liquid hydrocarbons (n-hexadecane) (320). (Medium 2 or 8, 28oC).

Medium: 2, 8

Reference(s): 3, 5, 55, 245, 257, 263, 277, 286, 320, 407, 423